Important Stock Investment Tips For Beginners

Important Stock Investment Tips For Beginners

Important Stock Investment Tips For Beginners – The stock investment trend is one of the most popular investments today among millennial, with the rapid development of stock investing, many beginners want to try these stock investments.

Millennials who are currently active on the stock exchange are commonly known as retail investors. For those of you beginners who are just about to enter the world of stocks, it is better to first learn how the capital market works, especially stocks.

In addition, understand five basic tips in stock investing to find out the risks you will face when you become a stock investor. Come on, take a peek at the tips as follows!

1. The stocks that you buy are in the blue chip category

There are three categories of stocks, namely first liner stocks or what are called blue chip stocks, second liner stocks and third liner stocks which are also known as fried stocks. When you want to buy stocks for the first time, try to buy blue chip stocks.

Companies that are included in the blue chip stock category are market leaders who have been in the capital market for a long time. Usually the company’s performance is good, the profit generated increases and is diligent in distributing dividends to shareholders.

2. Learn the fundamentals and technical basics before buying stocks

Continuing from the previous tips, the reason that makes blue chip stocks good is because they have good fundamentals. You must be able to analyze the basic fundamentals at least from the value of Debt to Equity Ratio, Price to Earning Ratio, Price to Book Value, Earning per Share and several other important aspects.

Like the slogan held by investors, namely ‘In fundamental we trust’. If you want to be even more proficient, you can start learning how to share technical analysis, which is no less important.

3.Avoid the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) phenomenon

In investing in stocks, there is also the term FOMO or a fear when we miss something fun. This means that people may be feeling high when they have lots of lots in stock A that are actually profitable. Instantly you don’t want to be left behind and buy the stock.

Unfortunately, it’s not a profit, in fact, you experience a loss because you buy at the top price. The tip is not to try to catch a train that is already running, but wait for the next train that will depart. This is an analogy for avoiding losses like a train that has gone fast earlier.

Also Read:Collection for Classic Motorcycle Investments

4. Follow Warren Buffett’s adage in investing

Always remember the adage of veteran investor Warren Buffett “Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”. That is, when people are afraid when the stock is down or red, it’s time for you to start adding ammunition by paying regular installments for shares because it means the stock price is being discounted.

The popular term is called dollar cost averaging (DAC), instead of selling stocks. Conversely, when the portfolio starts to return to normal and even gets high profits, then you can sell it.

5. Don’t easily trust stock recommendations or ‘stock pompoms’

One thing that must be understood is that you do not easily believe in share recommendations from other people. You must have your own fundamental analysis to buy stocks.

Often times, a share recommendation or the issue of a stock’s price going up is used by certain parties only to boost the share price. So, don’t be easily consumed by stock pompoms, huh.

Collection for Classic Motorcycle Investments

Collection for Classic Motorcycle Investments

Collection for Classic Motorcycle Investments – With the development of the era of classic motorbikes, they also have rapid price developments, with that many investors have made classic motorbikes as material for investment.

Classic motorbikes do not die. Even though new motorbikes with contemporary designs continue to appear, classic motorbikes remain captivating. That’s why the classic motorcycle market is never empty of enthusiasts.

Some classic motorbikes are still being targeted at used motorcycle exchanges. The everlasting design, high durability, and historical value make these bikes the target of collectors.

1. Yamaha L2 Super

Before the RX King became the king of the streets in the 1990-2009 era, Yamaha had produced a two-stroke L2 (series) motorbike. This 92 cc engine motorbike officially paved to the country at the end of 1976. At that time it was still originally assembled from Japan.

L2 has adopted the autolube lubrication system technology, aka the side oil is separate from the fuel tank. Just like the Kawasaki Ninja 2 not. While the transmission is 3 speed with a headlamp, stop lamp and round turn signal.

The success of the L2 led Yamaha to launch the latest versions in the early 1980s, namely the Yamaha L2G and L2 Super. At that time, the L2’s toughest rivals came from the Honda S90 (4-stroke) and the Suzuki A100 (2-stroke).

2. Yamaha DT 100

Yamaha DT 100 is still the belle of classic motorcycle lovers. This trail motorbike is equipped with a 100cc engine. Yamaha launched this motorbike starting in the 70s and until now it is still a target.

Anyway, this motorbike is increasingly popular after appearing in several big screen films to become a trail bike icon at that time. Now the DT 100 motorbike can still be found on online buying and selling sites for Rp. 15 – Rp. 25 million.

3. Honda CB 100

This Honda motorbike is also still at the top of the hunt for classic motorbikes in Indonesia. Especially when it appeared in the film Dilan, making this motorbike more and more hunted by classic motorcycle lovers.

The Honda CB 100 entered Indonesia around the 70s. A very simple and minimalist design is the main strength of this motorbike. For those of you who want to own this motorbike, get ready to spend IDR 10- IDR 20 million.

4. Kawasaki Binter

The Kawasaki KZ200 or often called the Kawasaki Binter Merzy is one of the legendary motorbikes that are still in demand today. Including the luxury motorbike of its time. Kawasaki Binter began circulating on the streets of the country since 1980.

Even though it only lasted six years of sales, the Kawasaki Binter still has enthusiasts to this day. Because this motorbike is usually used as a cutom motorbike, because its 200cc engine is famous for being stubborn. Currently the Kawasaki Binter has a market price of around Rp. 15 million – Rp. 30 million.

5. Vespa PX 150

The presence of scooter matic in Indonesia did not make classic scooters lose their prestige. Scooter lovers are definitely no stranger to this one motorbike, yup the Vespa PX 150 is one of the best-selling PX series. Even though there was a new version of this series in 2012, the classic version of the PX 150 is still a game.

This Vespa PX 150 has been a legend in Indonesia since the 80s. Having an everlasting design, the PX series is considered to be the most perfect by lovers. The price of the Vespa PX 150 is currently priced at around Rp. 10 – Rp. 20 million.