Tag: profitable investment

Most Popular Investment in Indonesia

Most Popular Investment in Indonesia

Most Popular Investment in Indonesia – In Indonesia, there are lots of investments that can make your future brighter. In investing you have to be more thorough in looking for even to start. The following is a list of very popular investments in Indonesia

1. Short term investment

As the name suggests, these investments are made over a short period of time, less than five years. Usually short-term investment goals, including marriage, vacation, or emergency funds.
For short-term investments, you should put your money in investment instruments that are lower risk, liquid or easily liquidated, such as gold, time deposits, money market mutual funds, government bonds or ORI.
So, if you need funds at any time or urgently, you can sell gold, withdraw deposits or sell mutual funds. Invest in low-risk instruments, don’t expect big profits.
The level of profit or return on low-risk investment instruments is minimal. For example, the average profit for money market mutual funds is around 4-6% per year.

2. Long term investment

It is the opposite of short-term investment. This investment is suitable for those of you who have future financial goals, such as buying a house, children’s education costs, retirement funds, and others.
Long-term investments take more than five years. In this case, you can place your funds in the right investment instruments to achieve these goals with greater profits, such as stocks, stock mutual funds.

Also Read :Types of Investment for Young People

3. Stock

Stock investment is one type of investment instrument known as ‘high risk high return.’ This means that this investment has a high level of risk, but provides high returns as well.

The profit from investing in stocks really depends on market movements and the performance of the company whose shares you hold. That’s why there are terms capital gains (profits from rising stock prices) and capital losses (losses from falling stock prices).

In contrast, the profits from stock investments fluctuate, depending on market movements and the performance of the company whose shares you buy. For example, you buy shares of a mining company at a price of Rp. 1,000 per share for Rp. 20 million.

Then you get 200 thousand shares or 200 lots (1 lot = 100 shares). If in a year this stock increases in price by Rp. 200 and becomes Rp. 1,200 per share, then the shares are sold, you will make a profit of Rp. 40 million.

These profits are potentially higher if you keep the stock in the long term. It is possible that the stock will move up and you get hundreds, even thousands of percent profits.

Easy Investment and Suitable for Students


Easy Investment and Suitable for Students – Who says investing can only be done by adults who already have a steady and high-paying job? The reason is, now investing can be done by anyone, you know, including students. Although investment activities for students still sound foreign, investing early on is very important to do, especially to welcome old age. The capital required is relatively lower with the appropriate level of risk for the beginner category. There are also quite promising options if you want to get abundant profits.

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All live selected below!

1. Mutual Funds
An investment option for students that is becoming increasingly popular in 2020 is mutual funds. Not only is it ideal for beginners or students, this type of online investment is also the most suitable for those of you who want to learn and get to know more about the world of stocks, bonds and similar investment instruments. Mutual funds are a capital management activity for a group of investors to invest, without having to worry about the various instruments available in the market, namely by buying only mutual fund units.

Not only that, you will also be assisted by a financial management professional known as the Investment Manager (MI). The reason for this recommendation is called ideal for students, because this mutual fund is also an investment that does not require a lot of capital. After buying a mutual fund, your capital will be combined with other investors’ capital, which will then be managed, in order to make a profit.

2. Investment for students in the form of gold
Next there is investment for students who are also increasingly in demand, namely precious metals in the form of gold. Whereas previously gold was known as a financial development option that only those with large capital could do. This is because gold is a type of investment that has a relatively low potential risk of being crushed by inflation. Another advantage offered is that gold has a liquid nature which means it is very easy to trade. So for those of you who are investing in gold, then suddenly you need funds quickly, just sell the gold you have in a short time.

The process of buying and selling gold is also relatively fast when compared to other investment products, including mutual funds or stocks.

Also Read : 7 Best Locations for Property Investment in Indonesia

With a fairly low risk, gold investment has a relatively smaller profit, which ranges from only 2-4% per year.

3. Deposit Investment for Students
The next investment product for students that can be done very easily is deposits. Deposits are classified as online investments that have a low risk level and are very safe, making them ideal for beginners. Why is that so? The funds that you disburse in the form of deposits will be deposited in the bank as part of the financial products offered. Unlike ordinary deposits which can be withdrawn immediately whenever you want, funds in deposits will be deposited for a certain period of time according to the provisions.

So, the disbursement must wait until the time period is over, usually around 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, or longer. The longer the storage period, the potential interest earned will usually also follow with a range of between 5-8% per year excluding corner cuts which can touch the figure of 20%.

4. Investing Through P2P Lending
Peer to Peer Lending or abbreviated P2P is a type of investment instrument that is starting to get attention lately. It is enough by preparing a capital of as little as IDR 100,000, you can jump into the P2P system. The way it works itself is by collecting money into an official collector’s container which will later be managed by the service provider to be distributed to parties who need capital, such as MSMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).

From here you can enjoy quite tempting interest, up to 20% as a return on the capital that has been invested. The risk of this online investment is high because there is no guarantor who can be a benchmark.

5. Stock Trading
If you want to find a type of investment for students that is really profitable, stock trading can be the best choice. The high rate of return of course is directly proportional to the risk that will force you to think twice if you want to try stock trading.

As the name implies, stock trading is an activity of buying and selling shares whose prices are very volatile because they can change quickly in just a short time.